Member of the month for February 2023

Member of the month for February 2023

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And our member of the month for February was Chris Mann!

Chris has been a member here at onePT for just over a year, joining soon after our HYROX Gym Tour Event in January 2022!!


Chris quietly goes about his business and in the last 12 months has competed in 5 events in 4 cities. As Chris has recently posted himself, he has made countless memories and new friends – “the ultimate start to my HYROX journey!”


The reason Chris has been awarded Member of the Month is down to the fact he has recently qualified for the HYROX World Championships Partner Event with coach Tom Oliver! A fantastic achievement.


It is worth noting the HYROX World Championships is the pinnacle of HYROX racing. With over 90,000 HYROX athletes around the world racing in the 22/23 Season & only 2,000 athletes qualifying for the ultimate HYROX showdown which takes place this year in Manchester on May 27th!


Chris, we wish you and coach Tom the best of luck.


From all at Team onePT


PS Chris receives £25 worth of credit to spend in the @onept Kitchen to help pre-fuel his workouts for performance and refuel for recovery!


Official HYROX Gym Partner

National Club/ Centre of the Year 2021 & 2019

Regional Club/ Centre of the Year (North) 2021 & 2019

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