
Archive for 7th February 2022

When is the best time of day to eat carbs?

When is the best time of day to eat carbs?

Diet trends that reduce carbohydrate consumption—such as Keto, Paleo and Caveman etc —have made us extra cautious of carbohydrate intake; and equally it is often portrayed in the fitness media that in order to become shredded we need to go on a low carb diet!

This is simply not the case.

Carbohydrates are our primary energy source and a vital part of any training programme. It is important that the majority of our carbohydrates should come from whole foods that haven’t undergone any processing, including grains, starchy vegetables, legumes, and whole fruit. We should be limiting (but do not have to eliminate altogether) processed forms of carbs, which have been stripped of all fibre and nutrients, i.e. reducing white bread, pasta, rice, and sugary cereals.

Equally over the years, it has often been promoted that we should focus more on when we consume carbs.

We have heard the expressions: -

Don’t eat carbs after 7 or to lose weight you need to do a Carb Curfew

But where has the evidence come from; and why is it that so often carbs are given such a bashing to make us so fearful of eating them?

We often see images of a banana or other carbohydrate rich food on Instagram with the heading

6.50 pm 90 calories

7.10 pm 90 calories

That is the carbohydrate food does not suddenly triple in calories just because the clock turns 7 pm!

Years ago, a certain study on shift work showed the workers tended to put on weight at night, even though they consumed the same number of calories as when they worked during the day. It was concluded that people’s metabolism slowed down at night, and therefore people should consume more of their calorie intake earlier in the day and hence the following was often promoted …

Breakfast like a King

Lunch like a Queen

Supper like a Pauper

But what wasn’t readily detailed was how active the workers were during the night compared to the day … anecdotally people do not tend to be as active when working night shifts.

Interestingly there is some new research indicating that the body is likely to be more efficient at burning carbohydrates in the morning and fat in the evening [Reference below].

However there is also increasingly good evidence highlighting that by consuming wholegrain carbohydrates in the evening helps promote the release of the hormones that help us sleep at night … and sleep / good recovery is probably one of the most important factors in helping us to lose weight / achieve our goals as it helps keep our hunger hormones at bay as well as promoting the release of Growth Hormone to help our body repair and become stronger and leaner.

Confusing isn’t it – so should I or can I eat carbs in the evening?!

For weight loss or more specifically fat loss, we recommend it is best to optimise your carbohydrate consumption around your training routine.

What do we mean by this?

What we mean is to have the majority of your carbs (and in particular starch carbohydrates) pre and post workout, then the meal furthest away from your training session is protein rich but with none or reduced starch carbs. This ensures we have enough energy for the training session and can promote recovery post workout but we also help keep our overall calorie intake for the day in check to ensure we are in a calorie deficit. Ultimately unless we are in a calorie deficit we are not going to lose fat weight whatever type of carbohydrate intake strategy we use.

As we say here at onePT it is important to pre-fuel to optimise your performance and to re-fuel to optimise your recovery.

So: -

If training in the morning – then it is good to include some carbs and protein, e.g. slice of wholemeal toast and peanut butter (fruit and yoghurt if very early), or if completing a mid-morning session, then some protein porridge with fruit or poached eggs on toast. Post – training, then again a carbohydrate and protein based meal, e.g. chicken or fish with wholegrain rice or pasta with veg and salad. The evening meal, the furthest away from training could then be a tuna or salmon salad.

If training in an evening, then lunch could be sweet potato with turkey chilli with a mid-afternoon snack to top up our energy levels, then post training, chicken or fish with some new potatoes or a small portion of rice and pasta with veg. We only need between 25 to 50 g of carbs post training to start the re-fuelling process. For those training in an evening, breakfast – the meal furthest away from training - can then be something like a high-protein omelette or protein rich smoothie.

It is important to remember that if we do not eat any carbs within the first 2 hours after training – particularly an intense session - then it can take up to 7 days to fully replenish our energy levels. The enzymes which are responsible for helping to replace our energy stores are most active in the first hour post exercise, drop slightly in the second hour, and then really taper off after 2 hours.

So what is the take home message I hear you cry: -

Remember – carbohydrates are not the enemy – it is more often the case we simply eat too much of them.

Base your carbohydrate consumption around your training sessions – the meal furthest away from training is protein rich – but lower in carbohydrates

If eating carbohydrates in the evening, make sure they are wholegrain choices and limit your intake of refined / processed carbohydrates at this time.

Again, this post may have really confused people, so if anyone would like to discuss in more detail, please do not hesitate to give me a shout by emailing [email protected].

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What are the benefits of having a Personal Trainer?

Start thinking about that new exercise regimen and / or starting THAT DIET!

With the greatest of intentions to start that new exercise regimen in the New Year, is more than likely becoming a much closer reality.

But for the thousands of you planning to kick-off with a bang in January by joining a traditional gym, does not always mean that you will achieve your goals.

Unfortunately studies show that 55% of traditional gym goers do not know what they are doing with many just copying other people.

Equally, 80% of people who join a traditional gym in January will leave within 5 months, and interestingly 50% of the members who give up a gym membership in the 1st year, will do so in the first 3 months – why?; because their exercise programme was too hard and was not matched to their ability or goals.

Also, one of the main reasons people do not achieve their goals is because they are stuck in a rut doing the same thing. Going to the same class, training at the same level or performing the same exercise at the same weight for long periods of time (e.g. several months) can result in a person’s health or fitness gains starting to plateau and even diminish.

This is precisely why onePT support and guide each member through each step of our very comprehensive member journey; starting with the initial Health & Movement Assessment to the monthly inclusive Personal Training sessions with many members taking up additional PT packages, to then staying connected with their PT even when the member is away from the gym through our Apps and technology.

Perhaps most importantly, our members are assigned to the Personal Trainer who is best matched to the person's training experience, goals and critically - personality.

And by having a Personal Trainer provides you with some amazing benefits ..

Coaching - having someone on hand to ensure you perform each exercise with the correct form; ensure you finish that last rep or finish the last few seconds and not give up too easily, or to review how you are feeling and on certain days realise that you may need to take your foot off the gas!

Extra motivation - here at onePT you have unlimited gym access - but having regular sessions with your PT can enhance your motivation to carry on with your workout regimen. During the PT sessions you will also get chance to discuss other aspects relating to your health & fitness goals - such as some of the nutritional and lifestyle changes you are trying to make

Accountability - when you exercise on your own, it is easy to skip sessions or fall off the wagon completely. By working with a Personal Trainer will help keep you accountable, making it more likely that you will stick with your training programme

Variety - our PTs will teach you a variety of exercise methods which can keep you from getting bored and this will also mean your fitness levels will continue to progress

Efficiency - your Personal Trainer, especially in the environment provided at onePT, will be able to make the most out of your workout time, which increases the efficiency of your workout. This is especially beneficial when you have a limited time to exercise

So, if you would like to find out more about how we can help change your life for the better, please drop us a message or simply book a Complimentary PT Session by following the link below.


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