
How much nutritional information should I get from my Personal Trainer?

How much nutritional information should I get from my Personal Trainer

As we have said in a previous blog, at the start of the year, 'everyone' will be starting that 'diet!'

As summer fast approaches, again, 'everyone' will be starting that 'diet!'

But how much and what type of nutritional information should you get from a Personal Trainer?

During my career - one of the biggest topics / debates that always crops up is with regard to how much and what type of nutritional information a client should receive from a Personal Trainer, Coach or Fitness Professional.

Across social media, magazines and in every gym - everyone has an opinion about what is the latest / best diet, what is the latest superfood or best supplement.

Equally, probably one of the first questions a client may ask their Trainer is ... "Are you going to or can you give me a diet?".

Now first things first, at onePT we don't believe there is one best diet (Keto, Paleo, Caveman, 5:2, Intermittent Fasting etc etc) - all dietary protocols have their pros and cons - what works for one person, may not work best for another. Also a diet that has worked best for someone in the past won't necessary be what works best moving forwards.

For us the word diet, means restrictive - not just in terms of calories, but also in terms of what foods you may actually eat. For us, diets per se are not a long-term solution. We want to educate members about the pillars or foundations of good nutrition and provide them with strategies to improve their eating habits - adopting a flexible and also an intuitive eating approach.

We talk about the 3Ts of Good Nutrition: -


Type of food

Total amount of food

So for example we look at what foods to eat before exercise to fuel performance, we look at what foods to eat after exercise to fuel recovery. We provide the education and support around what to do in the 23 hours a person is not in the gym to achieve their goals.

We educate members about the benefits of protein - how much and when to consume, healthy fats (is there such a thing - yes, there is), and what are the best sources of carbohydrates - we don't have to be carb phobic!

We offer members recipes and talk about food / meal prep so members can plan and prepare for their busy lifestyles.

We present nutritional information in an easy accessible, down-to-earth way that makes sense to clients — that engages them rather than send them to sleep. It is about getting the basics right - we have an expression here at onePT - Bull **** baffles brains - and we aim to keep things simple. What is the point of recommending to someone to go and eat this superfood or supplement if the rest of the diet isn't that great to say the least - we aim to start with the basics, help to make small but agreeable changes (i.e. changes that the member is happy to do), and help members build a healthy relationship with food and their nutrition.

For me personally, Personal Trainers (if not appropriately qualified*) should NOT be prescribing diets - especially when they start with the words, "Well, this has worked for me".

Personal Trainers should be offering guidance and recommendations that are truly evidence based - sharing information to support performance, health and wellbeing goals.

*The only people who should be prescribing individual diets and especially to people with particular medication conditions are Registered Dieticians or Registered Nutritionists with the appropriate qualifications - they are also most importantly indemnified (insured) to provide this level of advice to people with the likes of diabetes, or other conditions such as IBS, Crohn's Disease, Arthritis or if a person has allergies or intolerances. For me - this is not a grey area.

So to bring this 'rant' to a conclusion, we are very lucky here at onePT that as part of our relationship with the company who provides our Blood and Lifestyle Assessments**, the blood results and nutritional information are reviewed by a Registered Dietician (and Medical Doctor for the higher levels of blood assessments) and a full report is provided with recommendations and further guidance - all easily accessible in a web based platform or on an App on your phone. Equally, our members, once they have received their results and report, they can book a FREE health call with the Registered Dietician to go through the information and ask any further questions. They can then take all this information back to work with their assigned Personal Trainer to develop their overall nutritional performance plan.

**Extra costs apply depending on the type of blood & lifestyle assessment chosen

Here is some feedback on this service from one of our members.

“The support I was given by the Registered Dietician following my blood assessment was excellent and invaluable. I have many allergies, some quite rare. The Dietician took time to understand my needs. Their approach was empathetic and person centred. They took down information relating to my medical condition/allergies and came back to me within a few days with suggested meal plans which have been really helpful in helping me to maintain a balanced diet and be successful in my weight loss journey. I would highly recommend them.”

So if you would like to some further information with regard to how we can help change your life for the better, then you can book a Complimentary PT Session by following the link below.

Complimentary PT Session

In movement, health & wellbeing

Dr Neil Fell PhD

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